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Vaccine “Cliff’s Notes” for Pet Parents

Vaccine “Cliff’s Notes” for Pet Parents

Based on my experiences with Moose and my lay review of the guidelines, select literature and some helpful websites by others who have spent a lot more time than me researching vaccines, I’ve developed my own version of vaccine “Cliff’s Notes” for pet parents.  I fully expect this will change over time as I learn more, new research is published and I receive helpful suggestions from readers. No doubt I’ve missed some important points. I ... Read More »

Vaccine Vigilance

Vaccine Vigilance

I’m spending the evening staring at my dog. My little Maltese, Moose, was given a distemper vaccine today, and he had an allergic reaction. So far, it seems relatively mild – itching and scratching, swollen eyes. But, I’m in vigilance mode watching for any slight change that could suggest it might get worse. After doing weeks of research, reading guidelines, weighing risks, I finally took the plunge and took him for his vaccine shot, long ... Read More »

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